Are design trends changing as a result of Covid 19 ?
The moment Sen Tammy Duckworth said that on a conference call – without muting herself - I realized we’d reached a new normal. I’ve never seen anything like that before COVID-19.
In this new life, the lines of life between home, work, and social are merging…. quickly. Whether it’s a Facetime conferences call, video play date, or virtual happy hour, our homes are on display. Our public interactions are staged in our kitchens and living rooms, bedrooms and patios. Unless, of course, you have another background on Zoom. So those private spaces better be designed for public viewing.
Every quarter, we showcase a few interior trends. These tips will help you reimagine spaces you are living in, and those you are staging, showing, or visiting. Since we are all stuck at home, and need a little distraction from quarantine this is a perfect time ponder ideal home decor.
Here are four Pandemic-friendly trends. These just might be the tipping point for next wave of home design. The articles describe more!
Green Living- Moss Walls
Janet Paik, Houzz
Since people cant get out as often (or at all), we are bringing the green in. To the walls. Moss walls are not a new concept and have been trending for a while, particularly in cities where you might have a limited access to your necessary green. Expensive to install but easy to maintain as long as you can maintain a humid home.
Sanitation Station
If it hasn’t happened already, we will all be developing a better sense of sanitizing. All. The. Time. It's not just about sanitizer in multiple parts of the home (mine is homemade and sits on my entryway table). Purifiers, filters, auto-cleaning technologies, among a few will be regular accessories moving forward. They may as well be pretty to look at.
Minimalism , Be Gone!
After so many years of clean lines, clean spaces, minimal approach, the lived in look is back! It's unrealistic to think that we can live minimally when we are in our spaces 24/7 so as much as we love Marie Kondo (See article), its just not where we are right now. In an attempt to be relatable, Maximalism is trending up. We are now aiming for the spacial equivalent of chicken soup. Comfort Space.
Work in Slippers
Six months ago, the home office was considered a luxury. We all began to remote work as must. I am not alone in my belief that the days of the office will most likely be a thing of the past. As more people realize there is no need to go into an office, a dedicated space, just for work. is a must. And since we cant all work at the #6feetoffice (see link), a home nook will have to do. And be included in all designs!